
Warehouse Open House

Our construction, maintenance and landscaping departments hosted an open house to show off their new warehouse. This new location at 581 Spring Road in Kronenwetter includes a cold storage building, heated warehouse, offices and a conference room.

Employees in the Community

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S.C. Swiderski is proud of that their employees donate their time and talents to make a difference in the community. This week, we recognize the efforts of Amber Anderson and Jacqui Miller. Amber volunteered at the United Way’s luncheon on November 15th. The event Baby Business 2: Strengthening Today’s Workforce, Preparing Tomorrow’s provided information for area businesses and leaders. Amber spoke to the group about how employers can support working parents. Jacqui was a committee member for the Butterfly Luncheon on November 16th. The event kicks of 10 days of fundraising for two community rooms at Aspirus Hospice House which provide end-of-life-care to those in need. Thank you Amber and Jacqui for being your work in the community!