How cute is our book swap?!
Warehouse Open House
Our construction, maintenance and landscaping departments hosted an open house to show off their new warehouse. This new location at 581 Spring Road in Kronenwetter includes a cold storage building, heated warehouse, offices and a conference room.
Employees in the Community
S.C. Swiderski is proud of that their employees donate their time and talents to make a difference in the community. This week, we recognize the efforts of Amber Anderson and Jacqui Miller. Amber volunteered at the United Way’s luncheon on November 15th. The event Baby Business 2: Strengthening Today’s Workforce, Preparing Tomorrow’s provided information for area businesses and leaders. Amber spoke to the group about how employers can support working parents. Jacqui was a committee member for the Butterfly Luncheon on November 16th. The event kicks of 10 days of fundraising for two community rooms at Aspirus Hospice House which provide end-of-life-care to those in need. Thank you Amber and Jacqui for being your work in the community!