
Marketing Internship Experience - Summer 2023


Hello reader, my name is Ky Schreiner and I got to work as a marketing intern over this past summer. Before I dive into what I did over the summer, I would like to thank the Marketing team for welcoming me into their lives (and office space) and being so kind, warm, and welcoming as I was settling in the first week or so. They’ve helped me grow and we had fun along the way.

Some things that I helped with over the summer were pictures of SCS Eau Claire, create some flyers and postcards for the storage units in Black River Falls, attending a groundbreaking, helping with things for open houses, and helping with a grand opening.  I also got to make an informational slide show on how Art/Art Therapy, Consumer Science, and Marketing all correspond and how Art and Consumer Sciences work with Marketing, and what we can do to include the art community in our apartments.

My time here at SCS may have been short, but the knowledge and wisdom I gained, and the friends I made along the way will be hard to forget. I greatly appreciate each individual that I interacted with and worked with. A special thank you to Rebekka and Megan, as they let me share an office space with them during my time here.