
Star Spotlight for February 2018



This month we recognize the incredible field crew on the manor project as our Star Spotlight. Thank you to the framing crew for their hard work and dedication on this once in a lifetime project for S.C. Swiderski. We are grateful to Eion Dowell, Devin Proctor, Steven Popelka, James Anzelmo and Edgar Cruz Soto for moving this complicated project forward to its current point. The framing crew has moved on to Westwood Estates where they continue to impress us with their skills, abilities and teamwork. We also thank Randy Lilla for his leadership and contributions to the manor project. Randy has taken over Sturgeon Bay Estates where his dedication on this out-of-area site is appreciated.

We also highlight the siding and finish crew of Todd Koch, William Kukasky, Patrick Stone and Erick Parkman as they continue work at the manor. They are doing a beautiful job with the finish process of this special home. There is a long road ahead on this project but with their positive attitudes combined with their quality workmanship, we are confident of a successful finish of this project.