S.C. Swiderski, LLC

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Stepping Into Opportunity By Trevor Scheiderer

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river, and he is not the same man.”


I have been the summer marketing intern since the middle of May and have had so many experiences with S.C. Swiderski. I have gotten to voice my recommendations for change, but more importantly I have gotten to see what the “S.C. Swiderski Difference” really entails.

Throughout visiting over 20 locations throughout the state of Wisconsin, looking at predevelopments for prospective projects, organizing food trucks, enhancing marketing efforts toward certain events/locations, and so much more, I can confidently say I have received a very good grasp of the company.

One of my latest tasks included gathering research for a property that is in the predevelopment stage. The company wants to build a large amount of apartments in Eau Claire, WI so I figured out who we want the audience to be, what the inside of the apartments should look like by comparing value and common practice for that area, demographics of the city, creating an advertising plan to make sure that these units fill with ease, and measuring what the viability is for added units. This project is where I feel that I made one of the largest impacts for the company and I look forward to seeing the progress of this specific site.

This experience was unpredictable. I never expected to be a part of such a forward progressing team filled with great people. I am certain that pursuing this opportunity or “stepping into the river” at the beginning of the internship and at the end has completely changed who I am and I thank all of my coworkers in construction, real estate, leasing, maintenance, design, accounting, and administration, but a special thank you to Jacqui and Elizabeth in the Marketing Department for giving me an opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone and always providing progressive feedback to make the most of this opportunity. I look forward to watching the company strive!