S.C. Swiderski, LLC

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Intern Experience - Connor

As the summer continues to wind down, it is hard to believe that my time as the development intern at S.C. Swiderski is nearing an end. Over the last three months, I have obtained tons knowledge and many professional skills that I will be able to take with me and use for the rest of my career. I could not have asked for a better opportunity to work with such a great team in an outstanding work environment.

As the development intern, everyday was a unique learning experience. Every task assigned to me provided me a chance to help the company and gave me another opportunity to learn. Many tasks took place while in the office at my desk, but other tasks like company events gave me a chance to get out of the office and experience all sides of development. While in the office, my duties included assisting with research, updating files, actively looking for future opportunities, and many other administrative tasks as assigned. While I was out of the office, I had the chance to travel to active development sites, attend company events such as groundbreakings and grand openings, golf in a company-sponsored outing, and even give back to my community at volunteer activities.

The best part of working at S.C. Swiderski was being part of a great team.  Everyone I met in my time here was always more than willing to help me out and answer any questions that I had. Being part of such a great team is something that should never be taken for granted.  I could not have asked for better mentors as part of my first professional work experience.

As I look back on my experiences from this internship, I come to realize how much I have grown personally and professionally. Every day I would look forward to coming to work because of the great environment here. I cannot thank the development team enough for welcoming me and making this a great summer. I am looking forward to seeing the great success that will continue to happen in the future here at SCS!