S.C. Swiderski, LLC

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The Difference SCS Has Had On Me

When my aunt, Tami Gibbs (Accounting), first suggested I consider a summer internship
with SC Swiderski based in Wisconsin Rapids, I was a bit confused. First, to be completely
honest, I had no idea what kind of business SC Swiderski was until Tami directed me to the
website where I started to do some reading about the company. Just from looking at the website I was impressed. Everything I read about the “SCS Difference” and the company's mission, vision and values seemed almost too good to be true. Part of me couldn’t even believe it, but I knew I wanted to be a part of it.

After entering the beautiful building that is the corporate office, finishing up training, and
heading back down to Wisconsin Rapids, I was already starting to realize that it wasn’t too good to be true, and the SC Swiderski team was the real deal. Being able to be on that team and experience how everyone worked together was an incredible feeling. To use a sports analogy, the corporate office, in a way, acts like the coach, and all the sites around the state are the players. Each player, or site, has their own jobs and they all work together toward a common goal under the careful guidance of the head coach (the corporate office). Being a part of a team like this in the workplace, I believe, will greatly benefit me in any future career.
The work that I have had the pleasure to do this summer has helped me to grow in many
ways. Throughout the few short months, I have had countless interactions with people that have really helped me develop my customer service skills. Conversing with current tenants about any questions they might have, or explaining to possible tenants why the SCS Difference is great, are experiences that I feel blessed to have had.

I want to express my gratitude to all my coworkers in leasing, maintenance, construction,
accounting, and marketing that have helped make this summer great. A special thank you to
Matt for training and mentoring me, as well as helping me answer all the tough questions
tenants would ask. Thank you to all the site managers I have had the pleasure of working with
including Mike, Ali, Ginger, Cathy, and Jerry. The biggest thank you goes to Sandra for teaching
me, supporting me, and always pushing me to step out of my comfort zone. I’m grateful for the
experience SC Swiderski has provided me.